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Low Carbon Living Tips
What can you do to help combat climate change?
The tips below help us practise low-carbon living and reduce greenhouse gas emissions:
  • Bring your own shopping bags.
  • Avoid purchasing unnecessary items and choose more durable products.
  • Adopt simple packaging and avoid gift wrapping.
Living Low Carbon Living Tips 1
  • Turn off lights and electrical appliances when they are not in use.
  • Avoid leaving electrical appliances on standby mode.
  • Choose electrical appliances with Grade 1 energy label.
  • Choose gas appliances with "Voluntary Energy Efficiency Label".
  • Install solar panels on roof and join the Feed-in-Tariff Scheme.
  • Use energy saving LED lighting.
Living Low Carbon Living Tips 2
  • Wear light, open the windows and use fans instead of air conditioners.
  • Set the temperature of air conditioners at 24 - 26 ˚C for comfort and energy conservation.
  • Keep windows and doors closed when the air-conditioner is turned on and use curtains or blinds to block sunlight.
  • Clean the filters of air conditioners regularly.
Living Low Carbon Living Tips 3
  • Install a low-flow shower head and take shorter showers.
  • Use instantaneous water heaters as far as practicable. Otherwise, use storage type water heaters with Grade 1 energy label.
  • For storage type water heater, choose one with the right storage capacity and temperature control that meet the family’s needs.
  • Set the water temperature of the water heater at the lowest acceptable level, especially in summer.
  • Switch the water heater off after use.
Living Low Carbon Living Tips 4
  • Install low-flow controller in the water tap.
  • Turn off the tap while brushing teeth, applying soap or shaving.
  • Repair water leaks - a dripping faucet can waste up to 76L of water per day.
  • Reduce waste. (3L garbage could generate around 1 kg CO2-e)
  • Donate unwanted gifts to the needy through relevant organisations.
  • Support clean recycling.
Living Low Carbon Living Tips 5