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Low Carbon Living Tips
What can you do to help combat climate change?
The tips below help us practise low-carbon living and reduce greenhouse gas emissions:
  • Avoid purchasing food more than needed.
  • Buy regional and seasonal food.
  • Buy food with no or minimal packaging.
  • Avoid using one-off disposable containers and utensils.
  • Consume food that is purchased earlier and is close to the expiry date first (first-in-first-out (FIFO) system).
  • Make the best use of leftovers and unconsumed food, such as using leftover food to make new dishes.
Food Low Carbon Living Tips 1
  • Allow hot/warm food to cool down to room temperature before putting it in the refrigerator.
  • Avoid setting the refrigerator temperature unnecessarily low.
  • Leave enough space between refrigerators and the walls or cabinets. Trapped heat increases energy consumption.
  • Eat more vegetables. (Shifting from high meat diet to vegetarian diet could reduce your carbon emissions on food up to 80%)
  • Eat more organic food! Organic food produces less carbon emissions by avoiding energy used in producing chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
Food Low Carbon Living Tips 2
  • Think about the portion required before cooking/ordering food.
  • Reheat food by using slow-cook pot or simmer burners rather than ovens.
  • Food cooks faster if pots and pans are covered with lids.
  • Bring containers when dinning out or ordering takeout.
Food Low Carbon Living Tips 3